Everyone loved Nicki. The mail lady would always stop and give her a treat. When we were walking her, cars would stop to admire her. Nicki was a beautiful, gentle, sweet girl. She’s our child, our sweetie girl. Nicki was the most outgoing dog that we’ve had. We miss her more than words can describe. We’re in profound mourning for our sweetheart. Nicki would lay in the rug next to the computer room while her dad was on the computer. She loved being near me and looking at her dad with love in her eyes.
When mom brought Nicki home almost 6 years ago and she met Eddie, they barked for a few moments. They quickly accepted each other and enjoyed each other’s company. When we adopted Nicki, we were told that she was an alpha dog. She clearly was. Whenever we walked Nicki and Eddie, Nicki always had to be the first one out the front door and she had to be a few steps ahead of Eddie. Eddie didn’t care.
When we moved to Holland, I still remember her sitting in the back seat with a big smile on her face. It took her a little time to adjust to our neighborhood because there are no sidewalks and fewer trees. Nicki loved smelling every blade of grass and every leaf.
Our carpeted living room became “Nicki’s room”. Nicki enjoyed lying in the sun while in her room. I suspect it kept her warm because her circulation diminished. I still peak in there imagining Nicki sleeping in her bed. Nicki would bark at our neighbor dogs as she looked out the rear living room window. She also loved snoozing in the sun room. Because our dining room and sun room have wooden floors, we bought several rugs so she wouldn’t slip. Nicki enjoyed sleeping on her couch, not our couch.
It was so sad watching Nicki’s mobility gradually decline. She would frequently trip on uneven lawns but it never bothered her. Nicki would just proudly continue to walk. When Nicki was lying on the carpet, it would also be difficult for Nicki to stand due to her arthritis. But Nicki was persistent and would try again until successful. When Nicki encountered another dog, she would often get too excited and trip so we had to watch her very carefully and try to avoid the situation. You could tell that she had arthritic hip joints as they were very stiff when she walked. But she didn’t care. She loved to be walked. The Amazing Nicki even walked a half mile a few days before she left us.
We will always remember her soft beautiful fur. Nicki enjoyed me brushing her. She always looked so beautiful. Nicki was very smart. Whenever I put my coat on or opened the closet door, she would get up anticipating a leisurely walk. Nicki had a peculiar way of walking. She would frequently stop, look around and then switch directions. Nicki was in charge, not mom and dad. I will also always remember how happy she was when I walked into the living room. She would look up to see her dad and then gently roll her head back and forth. It was priceless. When Nicki was happy, she would softly hum and her mom would join her. Nicki often gave us the “paw of friendship” urging us to continue petting her. Sometime you would get ten or twenty paws of friendship. She would also give mom the snout touch of love. Nicki would bark for attention when she heard mom and dad talking in the other room. She wanted us to be with her and, of course, we happily obliged her. When Nicki’s mom was in the living room and Nicki was in the sun room, she would join her mom because she loved being with her. When we joined Nicki in the living room, she would raise her beautiful head and let us know that she was happy that we joined her.
Nicki did not like squirrels and would chase them for a few feet. She couldn’t run after them because of her age and mobility issues. I would often sit in the back yard with Nicki. She enjoyed lying in the lawn and relaxing. John Stempfle
Whenever I grilled burgers, I would always have one for Nicki. And whenever I grilled chicken, there was always one piece set aside for our sweetheart.
There will never be another Nicki. She was such an outgoing, lovable sweetheart. We miss her so, so much. When you fell asleep for the last time, mom, dad, aunt Linda and Dr. Kim were all touching you. You were so loved my sweet princess. Dad gave you many kisses and hugs because he loves you so much. Rest in Peace my sweetheart until we’re reunited. We love you. John Stempfle