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Miralda Moo

Six years ago, Carol B called me and said there was an owner surrender not too far from me, could I go pick her up. Sure thing Carol! So, off I went. When I got to this person's house, there were several dogs running loose around the yard and behind the house there were some pens. Miralda was in one of those pens. She was also chained to a tree. The woman said she kept climbing the fence so she chained her up. I could see why. Her entire pen was under at least 3 inches of water and not a dry spot there. When she brought Miralda over to me, she smelled horribly of gasoline. Not a pleasant drive home, but we made it. It took me two days to get the mats brushed out and Miralda looking (and smelling) like a pretty Borzoi should. Once she was all clean and spiffy, she had her visit to the vet and all was good.

Miralda was to spend a couple of weeks here before she was to be transported to her new forever home. It didn't take her long to figure out the game plan at our house though. She quickly learned where the best napping areas were, the times for treats, and where food was... you know, all the important things.

One day, Miralda was napping beside me in my office. Bill had been outside and had come in to take a shower. When Bill came out of the bathroom to head to the bedroom to get his clothes, Miralda jumped up and started growling and barking. I quickly grabbed her so Bill could get into the bedroom. For some reason, she had taken a very quick dislike to Bill. Soon Bill came out of the bedroom, fully clothed and Miralda just looked at him and laid her head back down. Very odd. So, a couple of days later, the same thing happened when Bill came out of the bathroom from taking his shower and then no response once he had his clothes on. Hmmm... Miralda did not like naked men. I phoned Carol and let her know that Miralda's next home had best not have any naked men living there.

All too soon, it was time to transport Miralda to her next home. Bill and I both hated to see her go, but knew she was going to a really great home. Unfortunately ( or rather fortunately), things didn't work out in this new home for Miralda. Carol B called me and asked if we would want Miralda here on a permanent basis. After a very short discussion, Bill and I accepted Carols offer and Miralda came to live with us permanently.

Miralda was always ready for a game of tag with the other dogs, and always had a smile for anyone. She was usually the first to start the group howl and always the last one to stop. The one thing Miralda wanted and never got, was her own kitty. Hated to disappoint her, but she seemed content with a bone instead. I have a photo somewhere of her watching a cat on TV. She loved her kitty's probably not the way they would want to be loved though.

This last winter seemed hard on her. She was starting to show her age (approx 10 yrs old) and her arthritis was bothering her more. We had her on meds for her arthritis, but in the last week, they didn't seem to be helping much. In the last couple of days, things were heading down hill all too fast.

Today we said good-bye to our Miralda Moo. Our snorkeler. Our friend. Rest well sweet girl. We miss you.

Peri Neill

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