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Some dogs are just a special fit in your family. That was my Maxi. One of my friends always commented on how regal he was. Maxi was very calm. You could take him around any other dogs. He was also good with my cats. He would go with me when I was helping train a beginner obedience class. He easily earned his CGC title. I would let him be the "demo" dog in class and I could also use him in the CGC testing of other dogs. He never really played any games. He would watch my other two borzoi at play but he never saw the point of any of it. He loved to go away in the car but he loved more coming back home. He liked to lean against me when I was sitting down. He would lay his head on my legs. That was his version of being a lap dog. He also liked to "sing" at my answering machine when the phone rang. He was very funny about rain or snow (you don't expect me to go out in THAT!) His great joys were me and his house. Some dogs just burrow into your heart and live there. I was very blessed to have been able to share in his life. Gone but never forgotten. Denise Norris

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