This is my beautiful boy, Dusty. He came to me with his sister, Natasha, when they were 9 years old. Natasha had a seizure disorder and was not able to stay with us for very long. Dusty had pressure sores and I treated him with the medicine provided. He wore underpants to protect the sores until he was healed. He became a wonderful presence in my home and I was always comforted to know he was close by. He was a lovely boy and I know he loved and trusted me. His ability to stand became more and more difficult for him and in the end I sat on the floor and hand fed him while he sat quietly. His favorite place was an old silk rug at the foot of my bed. No matter what, he always made it to his favorite rug. We tried some medicine from the vet which helped him for a while, until one day he simply couldn’t get up at all. I tried lifting his front to a sitting position and then his rear as I had done many times before, but I was not able to get him up. Friends helped me carry him to the car so we could make that final journey. When Dusty left this blessed life, his head was on my lap and my words were in his ears. I love you, Dusty. You are my best boy Ellie Whitsett