Somewhere between hello and good-bye, there was love, so much love...
“We adopted Dimitri at 14 weeks old and he was special to us from the very start! He was one of the NBRF Florida Puppy Pack and his siblings were scattered across several states. Those special pups gave us several new friends for which we will always be grateful!
Dimitri was a gentle and goofy soul! He liked pizza and cookies. If he heard the word pizza or cookies, his ears went into “airplane mode” sticking straight out from his head! His Mom always said she loved those ears!
He would talk to you! It was like you could carry on a conversation with you talking to him and him answering you with his grunts and timid barks. He was very vocal when he wanted something or things didn’t go his way. If something was in HIS spot on the couch, he’d bark at it then push it off using that needle nose of his! Another way he’d get your attention is by doing what we called his happy dance! It looked quite a bit like a bucking bronco in a rodeo! We never could figure out what that meant!
We loved you so much, Dimitri!!! Always will!!!”
Time is the thief of hearts and it all goes by so quickly. We share your sorrow Sharon, Joe, Becky and family. Thank you for giving this sweet, innocent soul a most wonderful life. Run with the angels, Dimitri 🌈