Buddha has passed over the rainbow bridge while in the arms of his human friend.
7 years ago I was helping N.C.B.R. with fosters and was asked to pick up a long boi in Olympia who had been surrendered to a shelter by his dog breeder owners.
I went with my truck to see him and he turned out to be the most beautiful white cloud of a stud I'd ever seen. I put a lead on him and as I got him out to the parking lot to put him in the truck I had a strong feeling of " I've hit the jackpot and no one is stopping me!"
Having a borzoi had been a dream since I first saw art by Erte when I was a teen.
And here he was! 100lbs of pure white fur. The most elegant creature on the planet since unicorns missed the boat.
Once home he had the best food. Room to lie on the sofa and a spot next to my bed to sleep.
We lived on Snoqualmie Pass and when it snowed was his favorite. If the pass closed due to snow we took the day to run all over the ski hills which were empty of people.
Buddha was my rock through a divorce. He lived with my mom's pack for months as I found us a new home.
He'd wait by the door on weekends knowing I'd be there to hug and kiss him. He was my shadow. Devoted, loving and steady. It wasn't long and we were reunited again. But towards the end of 7 years companionship Buddha would start having a hard time standing. His back end was hurting and he was not inclined to get up. Life became less fun for him. While he laid on the floor I could see him dreaming about running. But in real life he could not. I realized I had to make a decision for him that would be hard but in his best interest. So it was that on Dec 7th 2023 Buddhakai passed away with love and kisses.
Buddha loved cuddles, snow days, car rides to the park for walks, meals, snacks and being impeccably groomed. He was the bestest boi.
Buddhakai 6/22/2012 to 12/7/2023