It is with great sadness I tell you my beloved Blossy crossed the Rainbow Bridge yesterday. Beautiful, bull-headed, chicken lovin’, squirrell chasin’ and always with a big grin when I came home from work. Old age and cancer finally did their worst. She was 13 yrs, 5 months and 16 days old. Run free my beauty.
Update from Blossom's mom:
So I usually leave for work @ 4:30 a.m. For some reason I managed to get myself pulled together early today and sat down on the couch with a cup of coffee & my newspaper before I had to leave. Blossy hops up on the couch next to me. Now my hands were full..coffee cup & paper...I've only got two arms. She's doing the Borzoi poke with her nose demanding I pet her. I put the coffee down and give her a few pets. Pick up my coffee again and in a few minutes the paper was torn out of my hand and she proceeded to rip it into tiny pieces. I just sat there and watched her. She was really having a good time. When she finally finished, she looked at me with a look in her eye like "Now you gonna pay attention to me?" Demanding old broad! She's such a sweet girl and I just love her. I've always been a sucker for a little naughtiness.
She had her yearly check up last week...complete blood workup, the whole works. Everything looks just fine. Except my vet said "She's a sturdy little thing". I think he was being polite and thought she could maybe loose a few pounds. She's not fat and is a solid as a rock. I told him we'd work on it. She came to me at 58lbs and is now 70.
Anyway she's doing great. She sends you a BIG Blossy smile.
Blossom has been adopted
Blossom is an 8-1/2 year old spayed female who is heart worm negative, current on all vaccinations and is microchipped. Blossom is hypothyroid (low thyroid) and will require daily medication, however the maintenance medication is very low cost and affordable and she will come with a several month supply. Blossom also has had a lot of teeth removed due to tarter, infection and gum disease but is eating dry food with no problem now and loves rawhide chews!
Blossom loves attention from both men and women and has been around young teenagers, however we have not had the opportunity to introduce her to small children. She is cat safe at the veterinarian clinic, but it is unknown how she will do in a home with cats or small dogs.
Blossom is from Pickle Hill.
This very sweet and wonderful lady is looking for a home with a soft bed, warm heart, kind hands and lots of love. If you are interested in adopting Blossom, please fill out our adoption application and email it to Carol Backers at cbackers.nbrf@gmail.com
Blossom's Success Story:
Blossom was adopted by Diana Cunningham in Illinois and is much loved. On March 31, 2011 Blossom successfully completed and graduated from her AKC Star Puppy Class. Blossom was just 8-1/2 year OVER the age limit for the class but the trainers at Creation Dog Training saw beyond Blossom's physical years and recognized her for the puppy she is! Congratulations to both Blossom and Diana!