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China Doll

China Doll came to me from Carol Backers NBRF in July 2005. Already a senior gal, she was diagnosed with ovarian cancer, mange and a heavy load of heartworm. Dr. Lou Avant worked her magic and with China’s willpower, she recovered. Funny note – she came with the name of Bella, but Lou renamed her China Doll because she was bald with one tiny tuft of hair at the end of her tail. All that soon changed as China Doll blossomed. She was house mates with Pepe, Alex, Mesha and Zena – all from NBRF. Along with my late husband Jeff, we were a team and we had a wonderful life together. China was with me for eight years – she passed in 2013. You are always in my heart and mind precious China Doll. Donna Lynes-Miller

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