It's with a broken heart and tear filled eyes I must tell you of Cassia's passing this morning.
She was 10 1/2 years old and was with me since President's Day of 2009. I adored her.
The swelling had gone down quite a bit in her front legs - She was eating and drinking and walking fairly steadily.
I had high hopes we were beating this infection. But she stopped eating over the weekend and could hardly walk and was in much pain. The Vets determined she'd experienced a relapse. I couldn't put her through any more pain- so we put her to sleep this morning.
She was the light of my life for the last three years and my world revolved around "Time with Cassia". My two little Shelties were very gracious and never seemed to mind the fact that Cassia was the center of our universe.
I want to Thank You you both so much for allowing me to adopt such a noble, loving, funny and breathtakingly beautiful girl.
My favorite Cassia story: When she wanted back inside from going potty/stretching her legs- she would stand at the back door and wait for me to appear. When I did she would prance up and down with her front feet, and her ears would fly up and flop down. It looked like she was dancing- I nicknamed her " My Dancing Dolly" and "Floppy Ears."
Thank you again for your assistance, advice and concern during her illness.
I need a little time to grieve, but there's no doubt I would feel it an honor and a priviledge to adopt another Borzoi in the future.
Thank you for the "Joy of being loved by Cassia."