My name is Mariska (Miskee for short) I am 2-3 years old and in my short life, well let’s just say I don’t know too much about the outside world, but I am learning quickly and embracing it fully.Â
I have not had a lot of experience with humans or other dogs, but in my short time as a foster, I have learned that hoomans are ok once you get to know them and that they can give you all sorts of nice things like treats, pets, love and attention.
I love playing in my new yard and basking in the sun. I am very smart and as you can see I am quite the looker, I will need a VERY SECURE fully fenced yard with a 6 foot privacy fence (I'm very clever and can figure out an escape plan) and of course another dog to play with and who can teach me the joys of being a family pet.Â
​Sweet Mariska is calm, has a wonderful disposition and although she needs someone with patience to help her overcome her past and come out of her shell, she will be very much worth the effort.Â
Mariska is very different from Sherlock in many ways. Sherlock is strong and stately and fiercely protective. Mariska is catlike-she’s super agile, fast, playful, silly. She runs like lightning through the yard. Then when a leaf or something catches her eye she’ll leap into the air (several feet high) in delight and bounce on it. Leaping and bouncing until she returns to zooming around ‘her’ property. She’s still a puppy!
Inside she’s just as happy sleeping across the top back of the sofa (like a cat might) as she is sleeping on the cushions on the sofa with Sherlock.
Surprisingly Sherlock seems to like her. He’s patient with her antics, and shows her how to do things ‘our way’. It’s only been two weeks and it’s like they’ve always lived together.
She’s good for Sherlock. Sherlock is much more active now that Mariska is here. He’s probably 9ish now but he’ll trot much more around the yard and do mini zoomies now that he has Mariska to play with.
She knows ‘upstairs’, ‘downstairs’, ‘outside’, ‘inside’, ‘wait’, ‘no’. She rarely has an accident in the house and when she does it’s when I’ve gone out for a little bit. Even though we’ve gone outside just before I went out. I’m wondering if she does that just bc she doesn’t trust yet that I’ll always come back shortly?
She’s sleeps with me on my bed.
I’ve had to temporarily put the dining room chairs up on the table creating a barricade bc I’ve walked into the dining room and found her standing on top of the dining room table! She can just jump to the tabletop from standing flat on the floor! I don’t want her to jump down and hurt herself so for now I’m up-ending the chairs and putting them up on top of the dining room table, forming a sort of barrier so she can’t jump up there. I’m thinking in a few weeks I’ll be able to put the chairs down normally and she’ll be out of the habit of jumping up there.
She probably can’t get to the top of the refrigerator but any other surface appears to be fair game to her 🙂
She’s also very loving and affectionate. She loves to snuggle and get petted. She’s a little uncomfortable being brushed but she’s definitely getting better with it. I brush Sherlock first and then only brush her a little and she’s starting to relax about it. Luckily Sherlock loves to be brushed so he’s a great role model."