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Lucky 13 - Luka

It was too soon to even think about adopting another Borzoi … my beautiful Zafar had just passed away from a canine cerebral aneurysm right in front of me. It was traumatic; PTSD inducing. I needed more time … time to think … time to grieve … time to process this emotional roller-coaster I suddenly found myself on.

But, when opportunity knocks you have two choices … I said, Yes, please. That knocking was, once again, the National Borzoi Rescue Foundation (NBRF) with a 7-month old male Borzoi in need of a home.

I named him Luka, and he is part of a group called the “Lucky 13” who were rescued from the Northeast, USA. He had a long way to travel before he was at his forever home in Seattle, WA.

Luka, or Mr Prance-a-lot, my fifth rescued Borzoi, has turned out to be the most affectionate, sensitive, and intelligent Borzoi of them all who loves to sing whenever the wind chimes catch a good breeze! In the first 72 hours he knew how to communicate with me when he needed to go outside or wanted food <read: treats>. He came to me with an understanding of being indoors vs. outdoors which amazed me because he did not come from a “home” situation. He learned how to navigate going up and down the stairs in just one day! He was visibly giddy when he realized that there were four, FOUR, beds just for him ~ well, five if you count my bed ~ which he certainly does!

Now at about two months in he is beginning to show more confidence and personality. His yard “zoomies” are so fast and fierce that I sometimes cringe in fear that he might hurt himself. Luka is a ball boy … loves any ball, all sizes but especially if it squeals while he is biting down hard. The little Prince has told me that he prefers the filtered water over the garden hose water … seriously, turned up his nose at tap water! He has also turned his nose up at peanut butter and Milk-bones! Another shocking thing is that he has not chewed up anything other than his toys! I have never had a puppy who knew the difference … aside from stealing an occasional sock, nothing! I have had Borzoi who literally chewed through household woodwork when I was not looking … not Luka … he is perfectly content with his toys, treats and all of the lounging options.

As I am prone to say, we saved each other. Luka helped mend my broken heart and melt away my sadness and I was able to give him a forever home where he will be spoiled beyond repair!

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