Six years ago, two wonderful 6 year old Borzoi, Doxxi and Pokey, made the journey from NBRF to become part of our lives and immediately blessed our home with their sweet personalities and gentle natures. I was amazed by how quickly they adapted to being "inside" dogs because they had always been outside dogs. The very first night they were with us we made beds for them in our utility room so they could sleep inside overnight as well as be in and out during the day. Neither of them, from that first day, ever had an "accident." They seemed to know that they were going to be secure and safe in this new home.
In May, six years later, we lost Doxxi to bone cancer after being diagnosed in early January. Because of her age (12) we decided to give her the best quality of life possible through pain meds as needed, no surgery, no chemotherapy, nothing to make her sicker. And for the last 4 months she was able to run around like a banshee on her 3 good legs, chasing rabbits and even catching a few (we love bunnies, but dogs will be dogs).
Doxxi was truly a Borzoi, the regal personality, the elegant posture, always so very sweet and loving. Her hair was very thick so we kept her shaved during the brutal north Texas summers. She loved running around without all that hair, even though she looked somewhat like a large rodent! Being cooler allowed her to be so much more comfortable and she enjoyed every minute of being hair-free.
We have never had a sweeter dog than Doxxi. I called her "my little love" because she was so loving and gentle. Our hearts are heavy and there is still a lump in my throat after saying goodbye to her. When she went to the Rainbow Bridge "mom and dad" were with her. We wanted to assure her we would never leave her and that her journey that began with us would also end with us being faithful to her, as she was to us. We loved her so much and will always be thankful she was part of our lives.